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200 meters away from Tema-Motorway underbridge, Adjei-Kojo Ashaiman
premium organic fertilizer produced in and for Ghana 

Asase Gyefo is called Saviour of the Land because it feeds the soil. When applied to the land, Asase Gyefo Premium Organic Fertilizer improves soil structure and soil fertility.Because of its high content in organic matter and micronutriets, Asase Gyefo helps farmers to replenish depleted soils and get better yields all year around. The use of Asase Gyefo positively impacts farmers and food security!

why choose asase gyefo

Using Asase Gyefo saves costs. It is much cheaper than chemical fertilizer and you need less of it because the nutrients stay in the soil. After the first crop season, yields start to increase up to 20 percent.

Asase Gyefo is highly nutritive containing all macro and micronutrients for plant growth in one bag; so no additional nutrients needed.

Double amounts of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus help plants resist pests and diseases and increases the shelf life of your produce.

Asase Gyefo is fully organic and environmentally friendly. It supports sustainable farming with long-term benefits of improved soil health and fertility.

Asase Gyefo is a premium and PPRSD certified product.

What our farmers say
Joseph Quarshie
Farmer at the Ashaiman Irrigation Scheme in Greater Accra. Secretary of the Farmers Association GIDA

Our association counts around 107 members. We all want to shift to organic fertilizer because it gives very good yields. Because you need to plough the land before applying it, we are currently asking the government or any NGO to provide us with a rotavator or a small tractor. So that we don’t have to plough manually.

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Mama Eva Osei (66)
Farmer from Volta Region for over 40 years now.

Asase Gyefo is the best. It is cheap and it works really well with my land. I use it since last year for the tomatoes and onions,  and I will now try it now also for okra and maize. Especially after the first crop season, you will start noticing the difference.  The land is more fertile.  The second harvest comes out even better than the first!

Samuel Mensah (48)
21 years in professional horticulture, owner of flower wholesale Sam Rich Jordan Garden in Tema, Greater Accra

I recently switched to Asase Gyefo for all my plants and flowers and you can really tell the difference. Within two weeks you see that the leaves become greener, and plants get more flowers. I mix it with the soil and I also sell it to my clients. It works!

Frank Hortorvi (53)
Cultivator of onions, lettuce, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, maize and cucumbres on 2 acres of land in Greater Accra

When you apply Asase Gyefo evenly on the soil, it stays in the soil for two years. Chemical fertilizer you have to apply three times in a year.  That costs 18.000 GHC a year, against 6000GHC  for Asase Gyefo for two years. As a farmer which one would you prefer?

Watch the testimonial of greenhouse farmer Kelly Ampofo.

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Safisana Ghana Ltd.

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