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200 meters away from Tema-Motorway underbridge, Adjei-Kojo Ashaiman

Presenting for 75 cocoa farmers cooperatives at MOFA event

The Safisana agronomy and sales team has been on tour around the country to promote our locally produced, Asase Gyefo Premium Organic Fertilizer.

This month, our senior agronomist Elvis Appiah and sales manager Joseph Kojo Anderson visited Brong Ahafo region where they were invited to present at a meeting organized by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana (MOFA) attended by representatives of the COCOBOD  and board members of 75 cocoa farming cooperatives, representing over 1000 cocoa farmers in the region. Elvis Appiah: “Response from the audience was really positive. Some of the farmers already uses Asase Gyefo and has experienced good results.”
Currently, Asase Gyefo Premium Organic Fertilizer is being tested by CRIG (Cocoa Research Institute Ghana) as part of the certification process for cocoa seedlings. The outcomes of this certification process are expected to be ready next month, just in time for the second planting season to take place.


Plot Demo for rice farmers in Kenyasi, Ahafo

The meeting with the cocoa farmers was followed by some field visits in Kenyasi, the capital of the Asutifi North District in the Ahafo Region. Here Safisana is doing a trial together with Farmerline to demonstrate the application and effect of Asase Gyefo on maize crop cultivation.

After that, the team continued its tour to rice farms in Kenyasi, where they trained the predominantly female  farmers on how to broadcast and spread Asase Gyefo on their lands. Rice farmer and MOFA director of the Asuanafo South district, Paul Boakye was happy to attend the landspreading. He said:  “In our district, we want to go organic,  but up untill now we were still looking for a locally produced affordable organic fertilizer. So we are happy to try out this new product.”

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