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Three reasons why using organic fertilizer is better than chemical fertilizer

In this informative video, Elvis Owusu Appiah, Senior Agronomist at Safisana emphasizes the three key differences  between organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers, while highlighting the manifold benefits of using organic fertilizer for the health of soils, plants, people and the planet.

One of the primary differences is that chemical fertilizer, in the long run, leads to  nutrient depletion of  the soil. Whilst organic fertilizer, like Asase Gyefo, feeds the soil with nutrients and organic content, leading to improvements in soil health and fertility. Asase Gyefo offers a rich blend of micro and macro nutrients needed for plant growth.  Because the nutrients stay in the soil, organic fertilizers are also a more cost efficient alternative to chemical fertilizers.

Watch the video to  explore these and more differences and benefits of using organic fertilizer for your farming and gardening practices.

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