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200 meters away from Tema-Motorway underbridge, Adjei-Kojo Ashaiman

Check our new Application Manuals

The Asase Gyefo team of agronomists regularly visits smallholder farmers to offer technical advice on the use of Asase Gyefo. They offer training on how to apply the organic fertilizer in open field and greenhouse farming. We also prepare demo plots to show the difference in yield, and to compare it to other farming practices using other manures and fertilizers. Last week, we went to visit a farmers in Greater Accra and demonstrate them how to prepare the land for planting.

This is how to use it

Asase Gyefo Premium Organic Fertilizer is a nutrient-rich and PPRSD-certified product. It is suitable for all types of plants and crops, from food to flowers. One bag of Asase Gyefo contains 30 kg of organic fertilizer. It can be applied in agriculture, landscaping and horticulture, in the open field, in greenhouses and in potting media. Below you find application information leaflets for the different types of farming practices.

Safety instructions
  1. Store in a cool dry place.
  2. Keep away from kids, animals, and pets.
  3. Wash hands after application.

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